African Pass: Afro-Mediteranean Revolutionary Project
Egyptian engineer Aiman Rsheed released a preliminary study for the
development of Eastern Africa, from the Great Lakes up to the Mediterranean, in
the months following the Egyptian revolution of January 2011. He presented a
draft of the project, called Africa Pass, to the office of Prime Minister Kamal
Al-Ganzouri in Feb. 2012, and it has recently garnered the support of thousands
of engineers, university professors, and the public at large. With more than
470,000 engineers and another 20,000 graduating each year, Egypt has the
qualified manpower needed to implement it.
Complementing the Transaqua Project which would transfer water from the Congo
basin to Lake Chad, Africa Pass has two major components: the development of
transportation corridors and the expansion and development of water resources.
The transportation corridor would begin with the building of a major modern
seaport in Sidi Barrani in northwestern Egypt near the border with Libya, which would be connected to the Great Lakes countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda,
Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic), and South and North Sudan, by high-speed rail and modern highways, and then be extended to Somalia and Ethiopia. To the east, Egypt would be connected to Asia through a tunnel under the Suez Canal, and a bridge from South Sinai to Saudi Arabia across the Tiran Island in the south of the Gulf of Aqaba. To the west, a high-speed rail network would cross North Africa and connect up with Europe through the planned Gibraltar tunnel. Inside Egypt and along the Africa Pass corridor, five large cities could be constructed like a string of beads every 250 km, in an area that is practically only desert now. That would alleviate the demographic pressure on the Egyptian cities and help make the desert blossom, with the help of the water transported by canal. Water resources would be developed though the construction of an irrigation canal, 40 meters wide, 15 meters deep and some 3,800 kilometers long, which would flow northward from the high land in eastern Congo, where the mighty Congo River originates, through the Central Africa Republic, South and North Sudan, into Egypt to fill the Qattara Depression west of Cairo with fresh water. Along this route seven hydroelectric stations would be built. This canal would run parallel to the rail and road corridors, as well as the electrical and tele-communication lines which would allow the development of agriculture and urban centers along the Pass. Oil pipelines could be added to allow the landlocked countries to export their oil. Around the Qattara Depression alone, millions of hectares of farm land can be created, turning Egypt into a breadbasket, rather than remaining dependent on foreign imports of food. The freshwater Qattara lake and the green areas around it would have enormous hydrological effects, causing more moderate weather in the desert and increasing the hydrological cycle in the region with ever greater rainfall, thereby diminishing the size of the desert.
In simple words is to have Egypt become a transit and waiting area, a corridor to all continents of the world. With the use of untapped territory Egypt create integrated communities like industrial and commercial similar to Hong Kong and Jebel Ali in Dubai so that so use these cities as storage and warehouses for companies exporting worldwide. To be used as advanced storage and to reduce the time between request and receive merchandise with their plants. As is well known, the Nations of the world are racing to create giant ports for container handling and spending billions to do that, if we consider that this project for container handling to facilitate export and import for landlocked African countries and also for transshipment giants that cannot cross the Suez Canal and store cargo and goods. It is found that this advanced project could be the biggest container handling project in the world and in return will provide million of jobs and to to turn Egypt from labour exporter into a magnet for employment.
المشروع في كلمات بسيطة هو أن تكون مصر ممر عبور
ومنطقة انتظار لجميع قارات العالم مع استخدام مصر لأراضيها الغير مستغلة بإنشاء
مجتمعات عمرانية متكاملة صناعية وتجارية على غرار هونج كونج ومنطقة جبل على بدبى
بحيث تستغل هذه المدن كمخازن ومستودعات لشركات العالم المصدرة لاستخدامها كمخازن
متقدمة لتقليل الوقت بين طلب السلعة و استلامها مع انشاء مصانع لهذه الشركات، وكما
هو معلوم فأن دول العالم تتسابق لإنشاء مواني عملاقة لتداول الحاويات وتنفق
المليارات لتحقيق ذلك، فإذا اعتبرنا أن هذا المشروع لتداول الحاويات ولتسهيل
التصدير والاستيراد للدول الافريقية الحبيسة وأيضا لنقل حمولات السفن العملاقة التي
لا تستطيع عبور قناة السويس ولتخزين البضائع والسلع في مخازن متقدمة لوجدنا
أن هذا المشروع يمكن أن يكون أكبر مشروع لتداول الحاويات علي سطح الأرض وبهذا يصبح
العائد هو توفير ملاين من فرص العمل لتتحول مصر من دولة مصدرة للعمالة الى دولة
جاذبة للعمالة.